The "Jean Sibelius" Association - ETS

The "Jean Sibelius" Association - ETS, established in 2010 as a social promotion association, is a non-profit organization based in Rapallo (GE) registered with RUNTS since May 9, 2022.

In accordance with its statutory purposes, in addition to organizing the concerts of the orchestra of the same name, it proposes the holding of conferences on musical topics.

Here are some examples.

Of the theremin and other wonderful inventions edited by Giorgio Necordi.
Venetian women's institutes: places of sociality and musical production at the time of Antonio Vivaldi edited by Fabio Francia.
The Vivaldi case: on the trail of lost manuscripts edited by Fabio Francia.
Giunt'è la Primavera": poetry, music and nature in Antonio Vivaldi's "Four Seasons" edited by Fabio Francia.

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